Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

mp3 of quality

In Indonesia, the popular MP3 format starting with the mushrooming of shanties along the palm of a distributor or software sales. Such places are usually bought memperjual CD (compact disc) containing the songs in MP3 format. Each piece of the CD with a capacity of 700 MB can store approximately 200 songs. This is the privilege of MP3 music format that sets it apart from other music formats. Its file size is very small relative ease in storage and transfer (transfer).

At first, Professor Dieter Seitzer was the one who had the idea to create a method to transfer music through a standard telephone line. At that time, the idea is considered as a teroboson brilliant. However, he refused every offer that comes as fund research grants. He instead decided to establish a separate working group composed of scientists and technicians with interests Frauenhofer on such topics. Keberminatan Bradenburg of mathematics, electronics, and nyleneh ideas make them an ideal partner.

Furthermore, research on compression of music files is led directly by Bradenburg, and performed in Frauenhofer Institute, a division of Integrated Circuits (IIS Frauenhofer), in Bavaria. Bradenburg then decided to concentrate on efforts to pass a file compression algorithm. The result is the algorithm "MPEG-1 Layer 3" then shortened to "MP3".

The small number of similar studies conducted previously been forced Bradenburg and friends to create the methods, theories, and research itself. Most of their work is not only about how to reduce the size of the file, but to know the level of sound quality loss still may be tolerated by the human perception.

MP3 success began in 1998, when Winamp, an MP3 player machine made by a pair of students named Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev, offered free of charge on the Internet. In an instant, the music lovers all over the world are connected in a network of centers called MP3, and offering each other music that is copyrighted, free of charge.

Before too long, even as other programmers do not want to miss the train. They create a variety of software support for MP3 lovers (MP3 junkies). Encoder, ripper, and new player was released each week, and moving faster and faster growth. Search engines also make the process of finding a particular MP3 file you want to be faster. In addition, a portable player like the Rio and the iPod made MP3 can be enjoyed while walking.

Currently, the MP3 is offered as a shareware program. This means that anyone interested can register at the Institute Frauenhofer and making software or MP3 files of its own. To be honest, about it, Bradenburg did not have much choice because this project has no direct software partners and do not have the budget to create a chain of distribution and marketing itself.

However, Brandenburg does not think that this system will destroy the music industry as many people have predicted. "I think it will not happen, but we did have to change the industry ... industry must understand how to control the new digital media and the accompanying opportunities. They should concentrate on the things that are positive rather than negative. "